The Academy has received 300 submissions for the 2019-2020 Awards cycle, up from 81 submissions in 2018-2019 for a 370% increase. Most categories experienced a doubling of submissions, with some even quadrupling (specifically board and role-playing games).
We are working on completing the jury scoring guidelines and will have them sent to the Jury by the first week of December for initial review. The Jury will have until January 10 to submit additional products, with a deadline of February 3 to complete all scoring.
The final list of nominees will be announced at GAMA Expo 2020 on Thursday, March 12 during the Origins Awards Showcase. After the show, voting will be opened to all GAMA members to determine Game of the Year from among the final nominees.
The nominees and ultimate winners will be celebrated at the 2020 Origins Awards on Saturday, June 20 at Origins Game Fair.